Moxa On Horses
Moxibustion Therapy For The Horse
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What You Gain
If you have seen the wondrous effects of moxa on horses you will want to learn yourself…
Discover the power of moxibustion and all that it can do for your horse.
Want to learn this therapeutic technique for your horse?
This is your guide.
What can moxa do?
– move qi through an area
– stimulates acupoints
– relieve pain
– warm the channels
– relax muscles and fascia
In this how to guide, learn to use this wonderful ancient modality on your horse. Learn why and what conditions are best treated!
Moxa on Horses is known to be warming, releasing, supplementing and relaxing. Use it over arthritis, myofascial restrictions, kissing spine, sore muscles, back tightness, SI and pelvic restrictions and many more.
Come discover how valuable equine moxibustion is to your horses body and how to correctly use it for deep release, improved function and reduced pain and better performance.
Discover the ancient power of equine moxibustion, how to use it and what it can do for your horse.
What Does This Course Teach You?
What to buy and where.
How to apply to the horse safely and effectively and
How to reap the benefits.
Why Take This Course?
Moxa is such a powerful way to stimulate acupoints to bring the yang of Wei qi from deep within to the surface to treat a multitude of problems. Most use this technique to help in relieving pain and healing injury.
Who Can Benefit?
Any horse that has low energy, cold, pain and stagnation, injury or needs bodywork for muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments.
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