Give Your Horse The Best Life…
Solutions for Vibrant Health and Top Performance
Top 5 Solutions
to Illness and Injury
that make the difference between success and failure!

Are You Experiencing…
- Frustration from not being able to train and ride?
- Concerned about your horses long term health and soundness?
- Confusion on how to get your horse in top health?
- Stress from wasting time and money on methods that aren’t working?
- Despair from an never ending list of symptoms you don’t know how to treat?
- Anxiety from recurring illness or injuries that won’t go away?
Get your horse's health back on track.
You Can...
Feel empowered to make changes to your horse’s care that really matter.
Revitalize your horse from the inside out for optimal health and top performance.
Watch your horse blossom and become the best versions of themselves.
Learn the path and the unique solutions where you can have confidence in effectively, safely and purposely working with your horse’s body, mind and spirit to transform their health from nose to tail…. the trifecta of healing.
What if...
- You could reduce your money output on professionals that may or may not be able to help you?
- You could feel confident and knowledgeable about any health or soundness issue?
- You could get back to riding sooner rather than later?
- You could learn tried and true solutions to all those crazy things horses do to themselves?
- You could cut to the chase and know the whole plan to getting your horse well?
My Heart Breaks When I See Horses Struggle
As a horse owner, I know what it feels like to have a horse injured or sick. The worry. The fear. The stress.
That’s why I’ve spent the last 30 years helping horses and owners find a path to wellness. Join the hundreds of others I have helped find solutions for and watch your horse blossom.
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Top 5 Solutions to Injury and Illness
The must have tips to ensure success in your horse’s health.
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Find solutions to your horse’s problems with integrative techniques that combine ancient wisdom and modern science.
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Book a call with Rebecca and get your specific help and guidance in all aspects of equine wellness of body, mind and spirit.
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Ensure your horse is a strong, vibrant, willing and capable partner for whatever you decide to do together.
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For in depth looks and complete learning beyond the podcasts for those who like to dig deep and really understand their horses.

This journey all started in my teens. I had this cute TB mare that was struggling over fences. None of the local vets could figure out what was going on. I was so frustrated. Spending money and never seeing results. But my horse kept telling me, something wasn’t right. That was until my first experience with acupuncture. After her first treatment, she was like another horse. From then on, my path was to pursue integrative treatments for horses in sport.
That turned into a lot of education. After BS in Equine Science, graduate school in Animal Behavior, and a career in Equine Dentistry, I pursued masters level education in Traditional Chinese Medicine to become a licensed Acupuncturist. Currently, I am completing my doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine with a focus on integrative medicine. For 25 years I’ve been traveling around supplying Chinese medicine to horses and humans which has expanded into a whole host of complementary therapies. I’ve had university level training in western medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, moxa and e-stim, with board certified continuing education in Chinese dietary therapy, Tui Na myofascial release, dry needling, essential oils, cranio-sacral therapy, movement science, sports medicine, biomechanics and much, much more.
There is so much to learn. So many facets of health. How do you make sense of it all?
No worries. That’s what I do. Give you the path, the solutions, and the treatments plans.
No more guessing!
I’ve done all the schooling so you don’t have to…
All that medical background along with starting, training and riding my own horses from yearling through FEI, shaped me into the horse woman I am today. My vast experience is now at your finger tips.
My goal is to have every horse that enters my sphere be positively influenced in body, mind and spirit. My new dream is to be able to reach even more horses and their owners through this very platform.
Top 5 Solutions to Illness and Injury
that make the difference between success and failure!

Client Reviews
“I so thoroughly enjoyed my Horses and Healing Oils Course. Packed full of useful info and fun to experiment with. my horses love it”
“Unbelievable 5 Element workshop. Thank you so much. I learned so much and you’re right the whole barns energy totally shifts.”
“My horse Justin has suffered from ulcers on and off for years. Your course changed his life. He’s shines now and is so happy!”
It’s as simple as
Create and account. Then join our membership area or and get access to your course.
Build a health plan for your horse based on sports medicine, Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, nutrition and bodywork.
See your horse’s health turn around, blossom and flourish in a way never experienced before.
Bring Out The Best In Your Horse by combining Ancient wisdom with modern science.
When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything.“
-Lao Tzu
You have the power in your hands to skyrocket your horse to another level not only in optimal health but also in top performance.
Top 5 Solutions To Your Horse's Illness and Injury
Frustrated, tired and running out of money? Let’s face it, horses can be super expensive and when they start having problems, things can go bad really quick. On top of it all, you’ve done everything the vet has said, you’ve done all the test, all the rehab, all the medications and even the surgeries but your horse still isn’t right.
There’s an important part you’re missing…

Rebecca founded Acupoint Therapies in 2004. Her expertise is proven in rehabilitation, understanding the equine body form and function, acupuncture, tui na, cranial-sacral therapy, myo-fascial work, energy work, essential oils and a whole horse approach to health and performance. You only have to look at Rebecca’s own horses or her regular clients horses to see the visible difference this kind of work can make.